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The Voucher – offers to coop to gain

I have invented a new system of co-working as coop on b2b, where both partners win in synergy independently! Each of your selling is my win too!

So let’s start together.


“Win ‘n’ gain”

Anyone can earn / gain with me!
With less work in the beginning, you earn passively money.

I am offering several erotic and sex services on this website in a webshop, where clients can easily buy my service as known from the products in the e-commerce webshops in internet since years…so why not also use for physical services ?

For cooperation partners I offer a new way also to gain easily from my services, by selling “vouchers” (discounts), that clients can redeem in my webshops and can save money on each service i offer.

The amount of gain on each voucher is in the responsibility of the coop, but should be minimal half of the vouchers value to have an advantage – but beware not to increase your gain too much – also your clients like to gain and feel superior to other non-voucher buyers, otherwise they won`t buy!

Its psychology! I deal with the basic instincts of people (voucher buyer) – they can buy sex in a webshop and save money by vouchers…its the same they know from the common products based e-commerce…so I only adapt the idea to a new level of earning – Redlight biz will look like this in future and you can be part of it, starting now a new area with me and my offers!

This offer is only to members of capitalism, who are willing to legally easy earn + easy gain!

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